Parent stories and expert advice / Public Figures

A suspiciously spammy message for new parents
When it comes to parenting, author Kaz Cooke points out that "one person’s brilliant life-hack is always somebody else’s bonkers piece of melon wrapped in passive-aggressive ham."

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!
Australian actor Nick Russell has played numerous characters throughout his career but fatherhood, it seems, is the most fun role he's taken on yet!

Dads, it's okay to ask for help
For new fathers struggling with the transition to parenthood, Dan Hunt believes it takes a stronger dad to ask for help than to sit there and suffer in silence.

Pregnancy, babies and budget papers ...
Kelly O'Dwyer, Federal Member for Higgins, reflects on pregnancy as a first time parent ... and what life will be like juggling a new baby and the nation's budget papers!

The internet helps new parents feel less alone
While Janet Michelmore AO may appear confident, when she had her first child she certainly wasn't! Learn about the new blog and app that can help others, like her, who often feel unsure and alone as they commence their parenting journey.

Why blogging is great for new dads (and mums!)
If you’d asked Reservoir Dad what 'social media' was prior to his first son being born he would have hummed and harred. However now a convert of sharing your experiences online, he encourages other new parents to do the same.

Why we need to stop saying, "I'm just a mum"
Dr. Justin Coulson shares with What Were We Thinking! an important lesson for all new mums; motherhood is nothing to be apologetic about.