Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 0-4 weeks

Week 1 - Welcome Evelyn Bartels!
Evelyn arrived six days overdue on Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 11.58pm after almost 24 hours of labour and an emergency caesarean. She was a healthy 4.365kgs and as the obstetrician said when she pulled her out there wasn’t much chance of her coming out naturally given her size and her position (OP)...

What does a "preventative health approach" actually mean?
Dr. Heather Rowe explains what "preventative health" means and how WWWT can support your mental and emotional wellbeing.

What you give up when gaining a baby
Being a first time parent inevitably requires a degree of personal sacrifice. But as John questions, do we fit parenthood in with our former lives or do we fit our lives around being a new parent?

When becoming a new parent is nothing like you'd expected ...
For new mum Bern Morley, Parenting Editor at Mamamia, becoming a new parent wasn't like anything she'd 'seen in the brochures'.

When parenting your newborn doesn't exactly go to 'plan'
Business analyst and new mum, Danielle, explores the challenges of being faced with a somewhat 'unpredictable' baby.
When the "breast is best" message isn't helpful
Sometimes the health messages we hear make us feel good, that we are doing the ‘right thing’ for our families. But sometimes health messages can sap our confidence ...
When you're parenting on your own
Caring for a newborn is hard enough, let alone having to do it alone. As Michaela discovers, it's not just a pair of helping hands that you miss when parenting solo ...

Why does my baby cry?
New mum Poppy wants to know ... how do you know a 'cry' from a real cry?

Wrapping as a form of baby settling
They taught you how to 'wrap' your baby in hospital, but what is all the fuss really about?

Your baby, your body & your boundaries
As one mum shares, it's important to think about your care - as much as your new baby's - when coming home from hospital.