Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 13-16 weeks

So far I've had Abigail's 2 and 4 month injections. I was a nervous wreck; I felt sick driving to the doctor’s clinic, even while waiting in the waiting room I somehow managed to spill my coffee down my leg and all over one of my shoes and white sock that immediately turned latte.

Learning new tricks
My days are more predictable but not always easy. John has been back at work for months now and I feel I need to get meals cooked and organise the shopping, cleaning and washing. It’s not that I mind doing this it is just that it can take me all day. At times I feel unorganised and annoyed I can't manage simple household tasks.

Multitasking at its best
Abigail is like clockwork, every time I put her in the car she poops. Not only does she poo, they're explosive and I spend time disinfecting and cleaning her car seat. When I went into my work to introduce little miss Abigail, I had to change her three times before we even entered the building.

New babies, new parents and managing the holiday season
There is generally lots of things to participate in and to do at the end of one year and the beginning of the next one: family gatherings, parties, presents, preparations and late nights. These can be daunting for anyone to face but when you have a new baby, it is more complicated...

New to the area
Yesterday was the 4th and final week of our New parents group, there are 12 mothers, 5 baby girls and 7 baby boys. I'm relatively new to the area so this is a great opportunity for me to meet new mums.

Observing your baby
In this piece Dr Bronwyn Leigh shares her tips to observe your baby to build stronger awareness.

On a roll
Every day we aim for tummy time. Abigail has managed to flip from front to back and back to front, although she doesn't seem to want to explore rolling. Perhaps she thinks she's mastered it ...

One small reward
My shopping trips have become well timed to make them successful. We head off just after Sam wakes up from a sleep so I can get my shopping done, feed him in a parent’s room and then get a coffee before heading home.

Questions to support new mums
In this article for health professionals, Jean Hailes Professor Jane Fisher explains the art of finding out if a woman needs help for postnatal depression.

Rugby Allegiances
Evelyn experienced her first trans tasman rugby game – the first Bledisloe Cup test between New Zealand and Australia...