Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 21-26 weeks

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!
Australian actor Nick Russell has played numerous characters throughout his career but fatherhood, it seems, is the most fun role he's taken on yet!

Challenges now my baby has reached 6 months
Hitting 6 months has meant fun fun fun! Quicker to feed, easier to settle, established solids to help distract from those mini tantrums, and best of-laughing, smiles, hugs and finally a show of genuine love towards her mummy and daddy.

"Feeling like I need to get some of me back..."
I had always planned to go back to work after the first year, however, I am starting to have strong thoughts/feelings about going back to work early and part-time. I think these thoughts started because I feel like I need to get some of me back, the pre-Abigail me.

Flying with baby
A clinical psychologist and first-time mum shares her experiences and offers tips for air travel with a baby.

How do I become a confident parent?
Self-doubt, guilt and uncertainty accompany first time parenthood, but as Poppy learns, your confidence grows one day at a time ...

How to foster great relationships with grandparents
Encouraging our children to connect with their grandparents is one of the most important things we can do as parents, explains parenting expert Jane Barry.

I'm not sleeping more than four hours in a row ...
With a six month old that still feeds twice a night, new mum Stacy is rightfully tired with the lack of sleep her and her husband are getting!

New babies, new parents and managing the holiday season
There is generally lots of things to participate in and to do at the end of one year and the beginning of the next one: family gatherings, parties, presents, preparations and late nights. These can be daunting for anyone to face but when you have a new baby, it is more complicated...

Questions to support new mums
In this article for health professionals, Jean Hailes Professor Jane Fisher explains the art of finding out if a woman needs help for postnatal depression.

Taking time out together while baby sleeps
Jess learns that it's important to nurture her relationship just as much as her new baby ...