Parent stories and expert advice / In this together

Taking time out together while baby sleeps
Jess learns that it's important to nurture her relationship just as much as her new baby ...

The bond between fathers and their babies
In this video series, Dr Karen Wynter talks to a dad about his own experiences and how he and his partner faced the challenges of being new parents together.
The first month of fatherhood, a baptism of fire
While Sandro describes the first month of fatherhood as being "a baptism of fire", he wouldn't change becoming a dad for anything in the world ...

The partner-approach to parenting
Fiona Darling, Social Worker and Senior Project Officer at Jean Hailes for Women's Health, explores the adjustment period all relationships go through when experiencing life with a new baby.

The sisterhood
Mary-Jane gained more than just a beautiful daughter when she had Iris. After joining her local mother's group, she gained a wonderful new group of friends. A sisterhood.

What am I grateful for?
Being back at work, traveling is starting to become part of my usual quarterly routine again. I’m so lucky I have a husband that has the ability to play both the roles of mum and dad while I am away...

What you give up when gaining a baby
Being a first time parent inevitably requires a degree of personal sacrifice. But as John questions, do we fit parenthood in with our former lives or do we fit our lives around being a new parent?

When your baby swaps "mamma" for "dadda, dadda!"
Sharing the load is a job for both 'mamma' and 'dadda' with a baby ... especially when another newborn enters the picture.
When you're parenting on your own
Caring for a newborn is hard enough, let alone having to do it alone. As Michaela discovers, it's not just a pair of helping hands that you miss when parenting solo ...

Yes, I am crying again
This heartfelt and honest letter from a mother-to-be to her partner beautifully expresses her needs and wishes, reminding us of the importance of emotional support and open communication between parents during pregnancy.