What were we thinking! promote confidence and reduce distress in parents with a first baby

A positive change

By Amy

A positive change

It’s hard to believe six weeks have already passed since our precious Abigail arrived. Not to mention I've now been off work for over two months and Robert's back at work after three weeks leave. If I cast my mind back to three months ago, I was in a full time sales role traveling all over Victoria to see clients, going out with girlfriends for breakfast, lunch and dinner and nights alone with Rob and noticeably being able to always be "in the moment" or 100% present in a conversation. Fast forward to today... We are living a very different life... a better life. When I say different, I mean, we now have a little person to care for, protect and ensure she's safe, secure and happy. We can still do a lot of what we did 3 months ago, although Abigail comes first and sometimes we need to approach an event or situation in a different mindset.

Posted in:  Baby 5-8 weeks