Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 5-8 weeks

The Week That Was
When the stars align things run smoothly, seamlessly, everything falls into place. How would you define the opposite of that? I’d say it would be our week last week...

Visiting hours - tales from the tired trenches
New parents have to learn new skills. Sometimes, so do their well-meaning friends who come to visit.

What does a "preventative health approach" actually mean?
Dr. Heather Rowe explains what "preventative health" means and how WWWT can support your mental and emotional wellbeing.
When the "breast is best" message isn't helpful
Sometimes the health messages we hear make us feel good, that we are doing the ‘right thing’ for our families. But sometimes health messages can sap our confidence ...

When will my skin clear?
My skin is the worst it has ever been. I've tried everything from QV skin cream, benzac and now antibiotics to destroy the bacteria underneath the skin.

Work at home and in the office
Let’s be frank, the workload is massive with the arrival of a baby. For Dad, it’s a challenge heading off to work each day slightly sleep deprived and possibly bearing unnoticed milk vomit on your shoulder.

The hospital taught us how to wrap our little girl. The first three weeks were OK and she seemed to like being wrapped.

Wrapping as a form of baby settling
They taught you how to 'wrap' your baby in hospital, but what is all the fuss really about?