What were we thinking! promote confidence and reduce distress in parents with a first baby

Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 5-8 weeks

New babies, new parents and managing the holiday season

New babies, new parents and managing the holiday season

There is generally lots of things to participate in and to do at the end of one year and the beginning of the next one: family gatherings, parties, presents, preparations and late nights. These can be daunting for anyone to face but when you have a new baby, it is more complicated...

Newborn challenges

Newborn challenges

John loves his baby son 100% but hasn't, on the other hand, always enjoyed their time together. He questions whether other newborn parents have felt the same ...

New friends

New friends

I can’t believe how much of the day I spend feeding, changing and settling baby Ari, if anyone had told me I don’t think I would have believed them. I thought babies slept most of the time and never imagined it was such a full time (day and night) work.

Observing your baby

Observing your baby

In this piece Dr Bronwyn Leigh shares her tips to observe your baby to build stronger awareness. 



Ari had his 2 month birthday including his health check at our Maternal and Child Health Centre and had his first immunisations a couple of weeks ago. Dimitri was great and held Ari for the needles as I was so nervous I was almost crying.

Questions to support new mums

Questions to support new mums

In this article for health professionals, Jean Hailes Professor Jane Fisher explains the art of finding out if a woman needs help for postnatal depression.

Settling your baby

Settling your baby

The reality is parents will have many sleepless nights with a new baby, however it does get better!

Sometimes coping is doing just fine

Sometimes coping is doing just fine

Having a baby is a time of significant change in our lives. As Fiona Darling reminds us, some days  'coping'  is all you can do - and that's perfectly good enough.

Teaching your baby to sleep, one day at a time

Teaching your baby to sleep, one day at a time

When you're baby refuses to sleep or settle, sometimes it's as simple as asking for help in order to restore your sanity. 

The bond between fathers and their babies

The bond between fathers and their babies

In this video series, Dr Karen Wynter talks to a dad about his own experiences and how he and his partner faced the challenges of being new parents together.