Parent stories and expert advice

I don't have to be a supermum
Becoming a parent has confirmed for us that feeling daunted and overwhelmed had rhyme and reason. Early in the piece there were days and weeks where I felt in control, organised and managing this new little wriggly worm reasonably well.

Capturing those special moments
Ari rolled from his tummy to his back today! It happened when we were playing on the floor, Ari was on his tummy pushing up and I was dangling a toy above his head from side to side. I think we were both as surprised as each other, I wished I could have filmed it.

When will my skin clear?
My skin is the worst it has ever been. I've tried everything from QV skin cream, benzac and now antibiotics to destroy the bacteria underneath the skin.

A great set of lungs
As the weeks went by Penelope’s crying has decreased. At 7 weeks much of her fussing and unsettled crying gradually began to decline.

Today was a bit of a disaster. I had arranged for someone to come clean the house (actually a tiny 2 bed apartment but you’d be amazed how dirty it can get) because I just hadn’t got around to doing it myself in the three months since L was born. But first I needed to do some major tidying, so that the cleaner could actually reach the floors, etc.

Learning new tricks
My days are more predictable but not always easy. John has been back at work for months now and I feel I need to get meals cooked and organise the shopping, cleaning and washing. It’s not that I mind doing this it is just that it can take me all day. At times I feel unorganised and annoyed I can't manage simple household tasks.

The Best Part!
What I have learnt is that this ‘fog’ they talk about doesn’t go in its entirety. Well not at 3 months anyway. I’m still tired, some days worse than others. I still don’t find waking up at 3am any better. Breastfeeding is easier, faster for sure. But it still takes time and energy...

One small reward
My shopping trips have become well timed to make them successful. We head off just after Sam wakes up from a sleep so I can get my shopping done, feed him in a parent’s room and then get a coffee before heading home.

Why does my baby cry?
New mum Poppy wants to know ... how do you know a 'cry' from a real cry?

I can't get sick
I’ve had a sore throat and fever for the past couple of days, Ari is also unwell as he has been unsettled and waking every two hours over night wanting to be cuddled all the time.

New to the area
Yesterday was the 4th and final week of our New parents group, there are 12 mothers, 5 baby girls and 7 baby boys. I'm relatively new to the area so this is a great opportunity for me to meet new mums.

A free lunch?
We had our first What Were We Thinking (WWWT) skype session when L was 6 weeks old. It was amazingly helpful! A and I just kept wondering how we got such good advice for free! There were two main benefits to WWWT.