Parent stories and expert advice
It will only take five minutes ...
Daily life is riddled with 500 five-minute jobs, all required to survive the day and most, routinely boring ...

The Feed-Play-Sleep routine
Jane Fisher elaborates on a topic she's asked frequently about when working at residential early parenting services - baby routines.

"Read to my baby? Now?!"
When should you begin reading books with your baby? Maternal Child & Health Nurse Sue Doogan says the sooner the better!

What am I grateful for?
Being back at work, traveling is starting to become part of my usual quarterly routine again. I’m so lucky I have a husband that has the ability to play both the roles of mum and dad while I am away...

When your baby swaps "mamma" for "dadda, dadda!"
Sharing the load is a job for both 'mamma' and 'dadda' with a baby ... especially when another newborn enters the picture.

"One fits all" parenting?
"What's wrong with Lily?" My husband said while I was trying to calm her down for over an hour. My response: "Go to her room, grab the parenting manual and let me know!" There was a blank look on his face at that point, but at least I had a chuckle...

5 months in...
I have felt so many emotions over the past five months. My life is completely different. I want it to feel the same but it will never be again and why? It's because of my beautiful baby girl Lily...

The sudden interest in you body and baby bump
Ever felt that you were on 'show' while you were pregnant? That your body suddenly belonged to everyone else? You'll be pleased (despite not appreciating) to know it’s a common experience ...
Emerging from the fog
Wow - the last 9 weeks have been the most exhausting and challenging of my life but also the most wonderful and rewarding...
When the "breast is best" message isn't helpful
Sometimes the health messages we hear make us feel good, that we are doing the ‘right thing’ for our families. But sometimes health messages can sap our confidence ...
Trying to avoid the (almost always) unavoidable
Despite the warnings signs and the advice to avoid, the train wreck still occurs! I saw it coming. It was frustration that bothered me the most as I drove Oliver to the hospital to get his head stitched.
Why don't they just listen?

Leaving Zac for the very first time
So the time has come for my first work trip away from my son. I’m feeling very anxious and upset at the thought of leaving him for a week...