Parent stories and expert advice / A new reality

5 months in...
I have felt so many emotions over the past five months. My life is completely different. I want it to feel the same but it will never be again and why? It's because of my beautiful baby girl Lily...
Am I the only one who experienced newborn parenting neurosis?!
New mums learn to expect heightened emotions during pregnancy, but after the baby is born and the hormones are released, what happens when you still feel neurotic?

And just like that‚ you're a dad
No one can prepare you for becoming a father. I fell completely in love with Victoria as soon as she was born but to say that I felt overwhelmed would be a major understatement...

A simple way new mums can reduce their anxiety
Parenting expert Dr Heather Rowe examines how fear-based health messages targeting those with a new baby can cause unnecessary anxiety in new mums.

A suspiciously spammy message for new parents
When it comes to parenting, author Kaz Cooke points out that "one person’s brilliant life-hack is always somebody else’s bonkers piece of melon wrapped in passive-aggressive ham."
Baby routines. Yay or nay for a newborn?
Many questions arise for new parents once they bring their bundle of joy home from hospital. Should considering a 'baby routine' be one of them?

Becoming a first time grandparent
When her daughter becomes pregnant, Jane begins to question not only the chain of events to come, but her own experiences as a new parent ...

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!
Australian actor Nick Russell has played numerous characters throughout his career but fatherhood, it seems, is the most fun role he's taken on yet!

Challenging and changing the language of parenting
We use all words, phrases and ideas to describe newborns, parenting and motherhood. Jane Fisher explores whether these are helpful ...

Could postnatal depression be anxiety?
Research Fellow at the Jean Hailes Research Unit, Dr Karen Wynter, joins Penny Johnstone on ABC Melbourne's Babytalk to discuss whether some cases of anxiety could be misdiagnosed as postnatal depression.