Parent stories and expert advice / A new reality

Hello? Is anyone there?
A new baby can be very isolating. Obviously you’re not actually alone, because there is the baby, but Victoria is not great company...

Honouring what happened when your baby was born
Each of us needs to honour what happened when our baby was born. But what happens when it's difficult to put your experience into words because they were uncommon or you simply don't understand them?

How can I soothe my unsettled baby?
If you - like many - have an unsettled baby, Professor Jane Fisher explains the importance of caregivers establishing predictable routines of daily care.

How do I become a confident parent?
Self-doubt, guilt and uncertainty accompany first time parenthood, but as Poppy learns, your confidence grows one day at a time ...

How will technology affect my new baby?
One of the things that stands out to Alberto most, as he settles into his new role as a father, is how different the world is now to when he was a boy.

I am so tired
After much crying from both Sam and myself there is finally an improvement in his sleep now he is 11 weeks old. From birth Sam would only go to sleep when I fed or cuddled him and when I put him in his cot asleep he woke after 20 minutes.

I had mixed feelings about my newborn
Being a parent is a truly wonderful experiece. However, as this dad discovers, that doesn't mean it's "awesome" every minute of every day ...
It will only take five minutes ...
Daily life is riddled with 500 five-minute jobs, all required to survive the day and most, routinely boring ...

Kelly and Zac at 10 months
We have hit the 10 month mark...I can’t believe how time has passed by so quickly. My baby is no longer a baby – he is a little person now...

Learning to go with the flow
For all the joy having a baby brought, for first-time mum Rochana there was also all manner of pain. But she found help was there when she needed it.