Parent stories and expert advice / A new reality

Sleep school and new skills
Following a week at 'sleep school', Kylie wonders what life (well, sleep!) will be like upon their return home ...

Sometimes coping is doing just fine
Having a baby is a time of significant change in our lives. As Fiona Darling reminds us, some days 'coping' is all you can do - and that's perfectly good enough.
Speaking up for yourself when you have a baby
Speaking up for yourself is an important way to build your confidence, especially when you have a new baby ...
Taking on your new role as a 'parent'
Becoming a new parent is a bit like starting a new job except that you probably have none of the required skills ...
The beautiful bond between twins
Simone, a twin, learns she'll witness the same precious bond between herself and her twin sister when she discovers she's carrying identical girls.

The bond between fathers and their babies
In this video series, Dr Karen Wynter talks to a dad about his own experiences and how he and his partner faced the challenges of being new parents together.
The day we welcomed Esme
Every experience is new as a first time mum, including the labour (as Jemma discovers) ... and when to know when you're in it!
The first month of fatherhood, a baptism of fire
While Sandro describes the first month of fatherhood as being "a baptism of fire", he wouldn't change becoming a dad for anything in the world ...

The internet helps new parents feel less alone
While Janet Michelmore AO may appear confident, when she had her first child she certainly wasn't! Learn about the new blog and app that can help others, like her, who often feel unsure and alone as they commence their parenting journey.

The partner-approach to parenting
Fiona Darling, Social Worker and Senior Project Officer at Jean Hailes for Women's Health, explores the adjustment period all relationships go through when experiencing life with a new baby.