What were we thinking! promote confidence and reduce distress in parents with a first baby

Parent stories and expert advice

Questions to support new mums

Questions to support new mums

In this article for health professionals, Jean Hailes Professor Jane Fisher explains the art of finding out if a woman needs help for postnatal depression.

You and your pelvic floor

You and your pelvic floor

Incontinence or light bladder leakage (LBL) can be a wee problem for post-partum women. Here's what to do to maintain your core strength after giving birth.

Parenting with a mental illness

Parenting with a mental illness

How do you raise a child while experiencing a mental illness as a parent? What are the difficulties and challenges?

A suspiciously spammy message for new parents

A suspiciously spammy message for new parents

When it comes to parenting, author Kaz Cooke points out that "one person’s brilliant life-hack is always somebody else’s bonkers piece of melon wrapped in passive-aggressive ham." 

The language of leave matters

The language of leave matters

Building a new parental leave culture one word at a time. Everyone needs to be involved in the discussion around parental leave.

Sometimes coping is doing just fine

Sometimes coping is doing just fine

Having a baby is a time of significant change in our lives. As Fiona Darling reminds us, some days  'coping'  is all you can do - and that's perfectly good enough.

Power is knowledge, and support is key

Power is knowledge, and support is key

No one can prepare you for pregnancy or parenthood, however as Fiona Darling highlights, advice and support is only ever a click away.   

The partner-approach to parenting

The partner-approach to parenting

Fiona Darling, Social Worker and Senior Project Officer at Jean Hailes for Women's Health, explores the adjustment period all relationships go through when experiencing life with a new baby.

The beautiful bond between twins

The beautiful bond between twins

Simone, a twin, learns she'll witness the same precious bond between herself and her twin sister when she discovers she's carrying identical girls.

My journey to motherhood

My journey to motherhood

For Simone, reflecting on some incredible childhood memories made her want to create a similarly wonderful life for a child of her own ...

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!

Australian actor Nick Russell has played numerous characters throughout his career but fatherhood, it seems, is the most fun role he's taken on yet!  

I'm not sleeping more than four hours in a row ...

I'm not sleeping more than four hours in a row ...

With a six month old that still feeds twice a night, new mum Stacy is rightfully tired with the lack of sleep her and her husband are getting!